Author: E4S (Admin)
This blog is updated by Georgi David in association with other certified people development mentors; (Categories cover; Employability skills, Emotional intelligence, Leadership skills and Human resources development). The aim is to empower our readers to manage their work performance and deal with confidence issues that form barriers to achieving personal and professional goals.

Accessing your inner Happiness;

The things that give us true and lasting happiness mostly come from within us, i.e. our thoughts and how we perceive our environment. Our thoughts and perception will produce for us a corresponding outcome in the form of happiness or sadness as

Good Leadership in the Workplace;

Good leadership in the workplace:  Good leaders are true leaders because they lead from a heart of service – True leadership is more about giving than taking and serving than being served. In order words, they lead by example: The

How you see yourself;

The picture you have of yourself will determine how you present yourself and how people will respond to you.
