Accessing your inner Happiness;

The things that give us true and lasting happiness mostly come from within us, i.e. our thoughts and how we perceive our environment. Our thoughts and perception will produce for us a corresponding outcome in the form of happiness or sadness as its fruits.

Dan Gilbert states; ‘We have within us the capacity to manufacture the very commodity we are chasing’

Outward acquisitions and wealth may give temporary gratification. However, this feeling is short lived if one has not first developed an inner sense of contentment and happiness – for this reason many people, including the rich and famous struggle with feelings of discontentment, depression and even suicidal thoughts, because they are seeking true happiness outwardly instead of inwardly.

Tips to access your inner Happiness; 

  • Have an attitude of gratitude: Be grateful for the good things in your life, do not take them for granted e.g. family, health, friends, job etc. Being appreciative is also an antidote to protect against the vices of being prideful or arrogant. A heart of gratitude will keep you grounded and give you a sense of fulfilment. You are content with what you have while you strive to achieve more without a feeling of emptiness.
  • Find the things you enjoy doing and get busy doing them: Doing what you enjoy gives you a sense of fulfilment when it impacts others positively. E.g Singing, teaching, drawing, writing etc. Also, being positively engaged keeps your mind on those things which are positive. As this statement warns, ‘The idle mind is the devils workshop’.
  • Care about people and not make everything about just you all the time: – Care, share, give – This attitude reflects a sense of responsibility and maturity that endears people to us. 
  • Take quiet times off occasionally and meditate on the positive things around you: As the saying goes ‘Take time to smell the roses’ – Thinking and reflecting more on the positive things in your life will boost your inner happiness, rather than always complaining or dwelling on the negative.
  • Take time to listen to and discover your inner self – You are more than just the physical. The physical is only the outward you. Your authentic self is your inner self which dominates and manages your emotions depending on how much understanding you have. Many things can excite you outwardly, but lasting happiness can only be attained from within you. 

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This blog is updated by Georgi David in association with other certified people development mentors; (Categories cover; Employability skills, Emotional intelligence, Leadership skills and Human resources development). The aim is to empower our readers to manage their work performance and deal with confidence issues that form barriers to achieving personal and professional goals.

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