Teaching Good Manners

Teacher helping elementary school reading group

Teaching youngsters.

Teaching good manners to youngsters especially teens may seem difficult initially, but when you keep at it patiently ( even when they seem not to be paying attention ), you will be impressed at how well they begin to respond as time goes on.

Research has shown that what you hear repeatedly will stick. Parents and guardians must watch, listen and advice the child – not nag. Set boundaries and reinforce good behaviour by praising and being specific as why the child is being praised. Also bad behaviour in a child must be discouraged or stopped immediately.

  “ A child left to himself disgraces his parents . ” Proverbs

Lack of consideration and rudeness in a child must be discouraged early by parents and guardians- This will check selfishness and thoughtlessness, including disobedience towards parents and guardians. Likewise, parents must show respect to their children as this helps build up the child’s self esteem.

Children learn by watching and mimicking everything their parents and people around them do, especially at the early stages of life – A current study points out children’s brains are most receptive between the ages of 1 and 3 years. Therefore, parents have a major role to play, especially at this formative pre-school age. Children will learn from their parent’s good or bad habits and soak in everything they observe at this age. A good place for parents to start would be spending more time with the kids.

Dinnertime together is a very useful place to teach children good behaviour or manners.

Parents can set standards of good manners such as; how to behave at table and how to respond politely to others. Also general hygiene such as; insisting that hands get washed before eating and after using the toilet or avoiding picking or blowing ones nose at the table.

Teachers also have a role to play by discouraging inconsiderate and rude behaviour from the youngsters and insisting they behave politely to others.

Children raised with good manners who behave well, know how to be polite, considerate and tolerant will have survival skills and are more likely to be accepted wherever they go. Beginning with the right foundation makes it easier to build on as they get older. The right foundations starts with teaching them the love of God and humanity which nurtures self confidence and selflessness.

This blog is updated by Georgi David in association with other certified people development mentors; (Categories cover; Employability skills, Emotional intelligence, Leadership skills and Human resources development). The aim is to empower our readers to manage their work performance and deal with confidence issues that form barriers to achieving personal and professional goals.

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