Making Sense of Budgeting;

Being financially savvy has more to do with understanding budgeting and smart spending, than how much you earn.



People often get their expenses to catch up with their income because they only focus on earning more money without learning how to plan and budget whatever income they have, to accommodate their expenses such as shown above.

Budgeting effectively involves spending systematically and putting aside part of your income to save or to invest.


Budgeting is adjusting your expenses to match estimated income over a specified period of time or for a specific project – Sticking to a budget by monitoring your income & expenses will give you a measure of financial control because you can keep track of what money is coming in and where it is going. Most importantly, you place yourself on the right path towards building wealth.

Basic budgeting tips;

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Successful work/life balance;

Achieving success at work is incomplete if you are unable to balance the demands of your career with other aspects of your life. It is easy to get so preoccupied with making a success of your career that you neglect other areas that are also very important such as family life. Having a true successful career must involve achieving a good work / life balance.

worklife bal.2

How to achieve a successful work/life balance;

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Social intelligence – Communicating by Body language;

A key factor to honing your social intelligence is to learn how to communicate effectively not just with words but also by using positive body language.

bodylanguage– Negative and Positive body language communication at the Workplace –

Looking at the picture, you can tell by observing her body language, when she appears unhappy or demotivated (  negative and insecure ) and where she appears happy and excited ( Positive and more confident ) – Without any verbal communications, you can tell how she feels just by observing her body language.

Be clear about this, a greater percentage of your communication is conveyed through your body language and not necessarily by what you are saying.

” If you are not sure what someone is saying, trust their body to tell you the truth, rather than their words ”  Collins

Your body language reveals ones true thoughts and feelings, so if you become adept at reading body language, you will increase your social intelligence and improve your communication skills.

Some positive forms of body language include;

  • Smiling at people…..  ” A man without a smiling face must not open a shop” ( Chinese Proverb ) Learn to use your facial features positively as it is the focal point when you meet people -The face is the center of our non verbal communication.
  • Align positive words with positive gestures and attitude.
  • Use positive body language that makes you appear more confident, such as sitting or walking upright, back straight, shoulders back and chin up.

Remember, even in verbal communication, the tone of your voice and attitude will override and send a different meaning from what you are actually saying, if your voice tone and your action does not align with the words you speak – This is the power of communicating by body language.

Helpful tips: Stand in front of a mirror and say something while watching your body language to see if it aligns with what you are trying to convey verbally. Then make necessary adjustments until you get it right. 

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