Problem Solving at Work ( Part 1- Individuals );

Managing problems early at work could save an organization huge financial loses as well as precious manpower resource and relationship; Workplace problem can be between individuals at work or can be a management procedural problem within an organization.

Tips on how to deal with problems at work between individual colleagues:-

  • Identify the problem and address it quickly before it develops into something more detrimental.
  • Listen to both sides; Listening to both sides attentively without showing favoritism will make it easier for the parties involved to open up to you and for you to get a better understanding of what the problem is.
  • Ensure clear communication; Clarify information received by repeating and summarizing the key issues for accuracy. All key points should be addressed to avoid further problems that can be counter productive.
  • Consider possible options for solving the problem based on information received.
  • Make a decision as quickly as possible, implement, monitor and evaluate the result to ensure issues have been resolved or at least under control.

See Part 2.

This blog is updated by Georgi David in association with other certified people development mentors; (Categories cover; Employability skills, Emotional intelligence, Leadership skills and Human resources development). The aim is to empower our readers to manage their work performance and deal with confidence issues that form barriers to achieving personal and professional goals.

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